Inclusive Youth Leadership
With Sports as the foundation, The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools program offers a combination of activities that equip students with the tools and training to create sport, classroom and community experiences that lead to more inclusive and accepting attitudes, behaviors and school climate.
Examples include:
Unified Clubs- Establish a new club or merge with an existing club. Collaborate with other clubs and student organizations to increase inclusive offerings. The club is a social inclusive club, not just a sports club.
Lunch Mates- Create opportunities for students with and without disabilities to share lunch. Try Shake It Up Friday where everyone sits with someone they have not met before.
Peer Partners/Pals- Create opportunities for students without disabilities to be partners in other elective classes and clubs.
Trainings- Hold meetings for students who run other clubs on how to be more inclusive.
Events and Fundraisers- Get the whole school involved in the Polar Plunge, a fundraiser, or a unified activity during lunch or a test day. Set a goal of how many students you’d like to get involved and how much money you need to raise- involve the PTA and community.